- Zaachila (Market, tombs)
- Cuilapan (ex-convento)
Departure: 2:30 pm from Becari | Cost: $35USD | Duration: approx. 4 hours

- Ocotlán (market)
- San Martín Tilcajete ( Painting wood carved animals)
- Santo Tomás Jalietza (Carpets)
- San Bartolo Coyotepec (Black pottery)
Departure: 2:00 PM | Cost: $35USD | Duration: approx. 4 hours

- Monte Albán (archeological sites)
Departure: 10:00 am | Cost: $27USD | Duration: approx. 4 hours
- Monte Albán
- Cuilapan
- Arrazola
- Atzompa
Departure: 10:00 am | Cost: $35USD | Duration: approx. 8 hours

- Tlacolula (Mezcal factory)
- El Tule (Big tree / an old ahuehuete)
- Mitla (Ruins)
- Teotitlán
- Hierve el Agua – Petrified Waterfalls
Departure: 10:00 am | Cost: $39USD | Duration: approx. 8 hours
* You also have the option to create your own personal tour on any day of the week as long as there is a minimum of 2 people.
** Entrance fees and food are not included.